Books and Stars

Thank the Heavens. Skewed my latest book co-written with Professor Keon West has been out for a short while and we are seeing 5 stars and amazing reviews (It's available from Audible,, Google Books, Apple Books, Kobo and Spotify). So yessss - I'm relieved.

It's an audio book hence the DJ Microphones Prof Keon wears oh so stylishly. We look relaxed don't we but truth is - my nerves have been jangled. Although it's my fifth book, the process is always the same. So I should be used to it.

Sure, writing a book is simple: Laptops with edit facilities, spellchecks, Thesaurus and Google...all of these technical gifts are a godsend. But there's no digital programme to counteract the absolute psychological chaos that kicks off for me, the minute the publisher say's yes.


  • First.... HUGE self-doubt. Will anyone find this interesting? Is my writing really shit or just a little bit shit?
  • Then the handwringing. Why did I say I'd do this? 
  • Then fatigue and resentment.  I cannot bear another day at my desk trying to drag this literary pile over the line
  • The confession is next. Oh Hi  there, dear publisher. Errr....I've made a mistake. I thought my brain was satisfactory and my writing passable. I was wrong about both but I've spent some of the advance. Could I give it back to you in instalments?
  • Finally the painful delivery and last minute flailing about followed by the sort of accompanying discomfort any human would feel having just birthed a baby elephant. No one said it would be this excruciating. 
  • Then the silence.
  • Our book of nearly 20 hours audio content covers bias in the media and how to deconstruct it to discuss the way bias and stereotypes impact our identities and perceptions of others. It's a timely read even if I do say so myself with both Keon and I exposing our own internalised stereotypes, assumptions and isms. We have delivered our own failings up on a plate for you to roll your eyes at.
  • NB the above list refers to my histrionics only. Keon sailed through it.

Anyway. At last we both know our book hits the spot. I'm doing a little dance. And as it's my blog I'm also doing some STAR gazing people.

Whilst I've given this book 5 stars I wish I could award it more. I absolutely loved it and have already been recommending away to anyone who'll listen!


A brilliant book fully extensive on the way media skews perceptions and perpetuates bias. As a media and film teacher, I have read a lot of work in this area, but it was great to have an updated version exploring contemporary case studies or discussions, or recent media issues. Coming off the back of reading Edward Enninful's autobiography, I loved the connection that Caryn Franklin had, and made the book even more worthy of listening to. Feels like an extended podcast and you can come in and out of different chapters.


A fabulous look at biases and how they influence us and create the unwritten rules of society.  Authors' raw conversation takes the reader on a journey that allows self-reflection of the influence of Disney to fashion and even wrinkles. Through the lens of bias, bigger topics are tackled including agism, racism, sexism, patriarchy, and rape myth. Strong addition for school libraries 10+ and any secondary and higher ed curriculum exploring media bias.


It’s an incredible listen(audio book) and really opens your eyes to subtle but HUGE influences all around us. From Disney to cheese adverts to the obvious media. I massively enjoyed it and recommend it to everyone.


I love this book as I think that by becoming aware of how we are encouraged to look at any group in the 'other' category such as non-white, non-straight, non-young is the first step to start questioning the validity of these tropes. Then maybe we can look to form opinions based on fact rather than stereotypes. 


I would really like a platform to shout from the rooftops that this is a definite must read.





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