A Historical Account in More Ways Than One

A trip down memory lane was had by Jonathon Ross and myself recently as I guested on his BBC2 Arts Show programme to talk about my life as a Disruptive Fashion Lover.

I found the old pic of us (above) to show the team and executed a memory test game which Wossy passed with flying colours. A Brighton charity show we hosted shorty after he had begun his new chat show: The Last Resort and I had been hosting The Clothes Show for 3 years gave Jonathon his first sighting of Naomi Campbell on the catwalk. He's been smitten ever since. He was even able to date it by what we were wearing – he a Thierry Mugler jacket and me James Logerfo sari trousers, Nike trainers and John Richmond jacket. The year 1989.

Turning our attention to the industry, I talked about the changes in fashion (purlease...too many to list here) and referenced some current projects....still waiting for peer approval for the book "Calling all Disruptive Fashion Lovers,"  but was particularly thrilled to present a few hidden treasures as requested.

The Women’s History of the World, written many years ago by Rosalind Miles has been a constant companion. Together with Dorothy Rowe, Ms. Miles has been responsible for my strong sense of self by writing in this instance about women who got stuff done. I had a lot of interest on Twitter after the show from listeners looking to track the book down. Dear Ms Miles I've recruited a few more to the cause!

As you can see I've featured a new image as my own battered copy which I was thrilled to ask the author to sign many years later when we were both on a judging panel, is falling to bits. To get your pre-loved or newly printed version click here 

Prepare to read about amazing women who were written out of history unlike their menfolk who got to claim ownership of many female achievements. But don’t let me bang on will you.

And Jonathon didn't...he rather professionally and charmingly moved us into conversation about my music choices. 'Typical Girls,' by The Slits of course and the 70s classic by Timmy Thomas 'Why Can’t we Get Along?' A book title right there and loads of room for provocative conversation.... Wossy didn’t disappoint.

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