Sergio the Shoe Hunter

The Joke was on Me!

Did a job recently for a top advertising agency. It was an internal comms. request (as we say on the trade) which meant it was a quick turn-around with very little time for script approval.

Imaging my discomfort when I found out I was required to voice gags or 'oh missus,' innuendo about the size of male equipment in the trouser region.

There followed an uneasy time before I took to the phone to register my discomfort, having absolutely nothing to leverage excerpt my belief that men deserve equality too which counts, in this case, as abolition of cheap smutty jokes about know!

Anyway I needn't have worried. Turns out the "whole nine inches,"  "Big and Huge," endorsements were all references to an internationally famous miniature Dachshund called Sergio, a London Fashion Week attendee and sniffer out of stylish shoes!

It was a rather marvellous marketing gag created by Leo Burnett's style and luxury brand agency Atelier, to promote The Outnet. Sergio...what a cutie!

Note to self...MUST CATCH UP!

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