The Wonder of Wonder Woman

I couldn't have wished for a better example of challenge to acculturation. Thank you Wonder Woman I'll be adding this to my Disruptive Fashion Lover lectures and here I am writing about it!

But this isn't a post where I go on at length about the fantastic fight scenes at the beginning or critique a Hollywood film for it's lack of female staffing or perspective. Yes it irks me that screen play and script did not see a woman's touch and it shows but what I'm focussing on right now is the power of mass-media narratives and imagery to influence its audience. Read this dynamite post by Director Patty Jenkins and you get it.



Did you see that? The revamping of the Beauty and Beast party, the young man becoming a stakeholder in female amounts to the over turning of old and the installation of new self concepts. These young minds have been bolstered/broadened by just one film. Think what would happen if young girls and boys saw this type of message all the time...


instead of this type of message all the time.

As my book Disruptive Fashion Lover begins to take shape I'm reminded of the contribution we can all make to change things one girl and boy at a time. Yup...Powerful stuff alright. WONDERFUL even.




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